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Epoxy User Guide
Remove the sealing cap from the two-part Epoxy cartridge and squeeze a little of the Epoxy out.
This will ensure that both cylinders of the cartridge are operating and any air locks are cleared.
If the ambient temperature is very low or the Epoxy is too viscous to squeeze out, replace the cap and immerse the cartridge in a container of hot water for 10- 15 minutes.
Please note, the plunger of the applicator gun is made of plastic and is actuated by a metal cam inside the applicator. Pulling the trigger repeatedly when the Epoxy is too viscous or if there is a blockage will result in damage to the gun or splitting of the cartridge.
Before applying the Epoxy, the repair area should be keyed. This can be achieved by scoring the surface with a file or rough sandpaper. Use a solvent to remove all traces of dirt, grease and oil. Unless the repair area is spotlessly clean, the repair will be ineffective.
The Epoxy should cure in approximately 4 hrs, however this time can be reduced by warming the repair with a heat gun. If the Epoxy starts to crystallise, the temperature is too high. It may be advisable to practise the technique first to determine the optimum temperature required when using different equipment.
A new turbulator tip (RP14028) MUST be used every time you apply the Epoxy. It is therefore advisable, where practical, to carry out several repairs in order to minimise waste. Always remove and discard the turbulator tip after use and securely refit the sealing cap.

measuring gmc oil coolers
Raffreddatori per fluidi multifunzione. Disponibili in diverse dimensioni e con vari tipi di filettatura. Pressione di esercizio massima 1300 kPa (188 psi)
measuring gmc oil coolers

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Ecco alcuni esempi dei tanti modi in cui puoi utilizzare il nostro catalogo per cercare prodotti. Puoi fare clic su uno qualsiasi di questi esempi per visualizzare i risultati.

Cerca per numero OEM (Numero del Produttore di Attrezzature Originali)
How to search G&M catalogue by OEM
(Puoi cercare per codice OEM, codice OEM parziale o numero di riferimento incrociato di un altro fornitore)

Cerca radiatore Komatsu
How to search for a radiator by manufacturer name

Cerca qualsiasi prodotto con dimensioni 1085 di altezza per 1031 di larghezza per 114 di profondità
How to search G&M catalogue by coresize
(Le dimensioni non devono essere esatte. Ti mostreremo anche risultati vicini alla misura che inserisci)

Cerca un NUCLEO che sia alto 1085, di qualsiasi larghezza
How to search G&M catalogue by coresize wildcard
(Il carattere * corrisponde a qualsiasi larghezza)

Cerca una sezione Bearward
How to search G&M catalogue by manufacturer and product type

Cerca eventuali prodotti FIAT 295 in altezza per 202 in larghezza
How to search G&M catalogue by manufacturer and size

Cerca un nucleo con piastre testa di dimensioni 448 per 109
How to search G&M catalogue by plate sizes
Puoi anche utilizzare * per cercare piastre con qualsiasi larghezza, ad esempio, PIATTE 448 x *